"Goodness me, I am still pregnant!"
Every pregnant woman says that when you get to this stage of pregnancy and that's usually because the last few weeks really take a toll on you physically and emotionally. I know that is actually a good thing that she is still baking in my belly because that means MadeLynn is staying put right where she needs to be and is continuing to get nourishment and protection from her momma. So as uncomfortable as I am, I am trying to cherish my last moments with her in my belly.
But if she changes her mind at any point...like right now....
or now...
or now...
or... well you get it, I will be very happy.
I had my 38 week OBGYN appointment on Thursday and Miss MadeLynn did great! She measures right on track and every thing seems to be back to normal after our little scare from a couple of weeks ago. Even though she is "suppose" to weigh 8lbs or so, I am measuring spot on for where I am at in pregnancy, so who knows?! Plus she is only in the 79th percentile and "big" babies are considered to be within the 90th percentile so she's probably going to be totally average.
^You can really see how swollen my face gets. This was at my 38 week appointment^
At my appointment, the doctor checked me and I was 1 cm dilated, 40% effaced and -3 station. So she's head down and engaged and I am starting to thin out. Many people have said all kinds of things about how either dilation is more important or effacement is more important but I think it depends on the woman and the baby. I am just happy there is progress and I am not just sitting here miserably pregnant with no sign of an end.
Everyone has shared their theories about when I'll go into labor. Most people say I'll go early. I have no idea how they seem to just know but they all seem so certain. It's so funny how I am getting flooded with all this advice, predictions and personal labor stories. I just nod my head and smile because I know that every pregnancy is different and my little daughter will only come when she's truly ready.
My personal prediction is either March 18th or March 28th. Jonathan thinks March 17th or March 28th. But at my appointment the doctor and I spoke about induction a but and they won't let me go past 41 weeks (which is March 29th) so I should still have a March baby no matter what.
If not, April is good too. MadeLynn's Auntie Megan's birthday is in April too so April is a good birth month as well. I am just trying to be realistic that I could possibly go way over my due date. But honestly, my true gut feeling is that she'll be here next week.
A little TMI in this next paragraph so if you want...you can skip on down to my update under the red line:
(I warned you...)
At my OBGYN appointment on Thursday, the doctor stripped my membranes. This means she and used her fingers to gently separate the bag of water from the side of the uterus near the cervix. In some cases this starts labor within 24 to 48 hours, in my case, it has only really caused bleeding with a few clots and oh so fun brown discharge with load of pelvic pain. Not quite sure if it has done anything but I do feel quite different. The pelvic pain I felt for the past few weeks has intensified to the point where it hurts to lay, hurts to sit and hurts to walk...generally it hurts to be alive right now haha. So I am not left with many choices on trying to get comfy. Remember...a little TMI but I have been bleeding since the exam and I believe I had my bloody show but I am not 100% sure. All I know if something is going on down there...
Alrighty, enough about all of that...here it is: 39 week update
How far
along? 39 weeks
clothes/What I am wearing: I wear leggings and dresses out in public and large t shirts and maternity yoga pants at home.
marks? No new ones
Sleep: I am having so much pelvic pain that I probably only get 3 hours of sleep at night even though I am going to bed around 10pm and sleeping until 9am. Thursday night I even cried myself to sleep because of the pain.
Best moment
this week: This is just day one so I'll update this later...
She moves the most after I eat and she really moves after I have my cup of tea.
cravings: Red raspberry leaf tea.
making you queasy or sick? Life in general. I think pregnancy hormones have kicked it up a notch recently because I have been waking up nauseous.
Gender: A beautiful baby girl
Labor signs: I am 1cm dilated, 40% effaced. I lost part of my mucus plug last Wednesday (March 5th) and had my bloody show Thursday (March 13th). I am having immense pelvic pressure and pain and inconsistent braxton hicks.
Symptoms:My pelvis hurts so much. And nothing eases that pain at all. Ugh, I just want that pain to go away.
Belly button
in or out? A flat innie
Wedding rings
on or off? Off since 30 weeks
Happy or
moody most of the time? Moody because I am so uncomfortable
forward to: Hopefully going into labor this week...my gut is just telling me something.
The Last Laugh___________________________________________________________
I thought this picture was pretty appropriate for this stage of pregnancy...
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