Hello y'all! Yep still here writing pregnancy updates!
I had an OBGYN appointment this morning so I thought I would give you a quick update about it. Today was pretty cool because my mom is in town and she got to come to my appointment with me!
Ahhh hope I didn't scare you with how huge I've gotten!
Anywho...yes I had my 39 week OBGYN appointment this morning and I found out that I am still 1cm dilated but that I am now 50% effaced and have dropped down to -2 station. Not a large amount of change but any change is good and means that my body is at least thinking about labor.I am only 3 days away from my due date and for awhile there seemed to be no end in sight! However, I did schedule an induction in case Miss MadeLynn is stubborn and refuses to leave. So she can come any day now but if she doesn't, then she'll be brought into this world via induction on March 31st. I cried a little when I knew that I might still have 12 days left in this super uncomfortable state of pregnancy. Ugh...
But with an end date in sight, I can breathe a sigh of relief that she will in fact be coming soon! My guess is that I will possibly go way before that date and that because I finally set a date, I can relax a bit more.
So my parents came all the way from Colorado yesterday and my mom (and future Nana) has absolutely loved getting to feel MadeLynn move around in my belly. My mom has been amazing! Today she cleaned my entire apartment and got it all ready for a little newborn! Both of my parents have helped out so much when it comes to MadeLynn. They got all of her stuff in her room way before we even knew she was a she. And the last time they were here they helped set up her nursery. It's pretty awesome to have them here for this last bit of pregnancy and for when MadeLynn makes her big debut.
My parents have been keeping me active in hopes of starting labor but so far MadeLynn still isn't ready...3 days until my due date and every one is anxious! We just can't wait to meet her!
Jonathan was pretty cute tonight too. He really wanted to watch Frozen before she came so we ordered pizza and watched the movie. Wow, it was so adorable...from what I saw. I might have fallen asleep a bit in the middle. Hey...growing a human is exhausting!
Well that's all the news I have for now...I'll be spending the remainder of my days walking this baby out...or patiently waiting until my induction day. Hopefully she makes up her own mind and picks a very special birth day that she wants to come out and meet everyone on.
My next OBGYN appointment is next Monday so I will give y'all an update then.
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