MadeLynn's Four Month Update
everyone! Miss MadeLynn Rose is now 4 months old! She has changed SO
much in this month and July has been very busy for the Goebel household.
These pictures are from our trip to Kansas City which we took the beginning of July. It was about a six
hour drive from our house to there and let me tell you, it was a very
miserable drive. We thought it would be a good idea to travel at night since we figured that MadeLynn would probably just sleep the whole time. No...she did not. MadeLynn hates her car seat. She gets too hot in it and only lasts about 15 minutes. So that was a miserable drive. But the trip was so much fun. We got to show off MadeLynn!
But the best part about the trip is that MadeLynn got to meet her Aunt Megan!
So much fun with family!
I had not seen my sister in about two years so it was wonderful to get to spend time with her. It wasn't a very long visit but it was fun catching up a bit.
And of course, Nana was in Heaven! Jonathan and I even got to go on our first date since delivery without MadeLynn (we got our hair cut and ate lunch at Chick-fil-a). Nana watched her for us.
Aunt Megan got MadeLynn her first tutu and boy did that look adorable!
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In Kansas City, MadeLynn rolled over for the first time (belly to back). She also slept through the night the entire time we were there.

But once we got home, it was a whole other story! MadeLynn was going through a growth spurt and excited about rolling over so she never slept! She was waking up every one to two hours at night. July was a rough month. But the good part about it was that she was becoming a whole new baby! She could roll on her own, play with toys and her absolute favorite...she found her hands! She loves to stick her fingers in her mouth.

But once we got home, it was a whole other story! MadeLynn was going through a growth spurt and excited about rolling over so she never slept! She was waking up every one to two hours at night. July was a rough month. But the good part about it was that she was becoming a whole new baby! She could roll on her own, play with toys and her absolute favorite...she found her hands! She loves to stick her fingers in her mouth.
Now that she's always putting things in her mouth she is constantly drooling. She must always have a bib on in order to save her outfits.
Not only do we need bibs for drool, we also need it for spit up.
We can finally use all of MadeLynn's fun toys. She loves her exersaucer and jolly jumper.
She also really started to enjoy tummy time!

Jonathan is currently is summer school so MadeLynn and I spend a lot of time as just the two of us. We go on lots of walks. She loves to be in the Moby wrap still...we use it everyday.
MadeLynn can now entertain herself more so we actually get to go out on dates. It's fun when Mommy gets to glam up and go out.
Also, my wedding ring now fits!!
July was a special month because Nana and Papa got to see MadeLynn twice!! My father had business in Chicago so they made it a special trip to come see us as well.
Also, my wedding ring now fits!!
July was a special month because Nana and Papa got to see MadeLynn twice!! My father had business in Chicago so they made it a special trip to come see us as well.
It was such a fun visit. I got to sleep in every day while Nana got some quality time with MadeLynn and my parents helped to clean, organize and get things fixed around the apartment. I feel so blessed that my parents were able to come and spend some special time with MadeLynn.
We also got to take some really amazing pictures of MadeLynn. I can't believe how quickly she's growing! I feel like I need to take pictures everyday because she changes a little each day.
I also try to get a family shot every month. It's so important for me to document life though pictures.
Well now, here's the fun part...the growth!
Height/Weight: She is 14 lbs 11 oz and 25.25 in long
She wakes up between 5am-7am. I usually feed her and see if she might go back to sleep. If she doesn't then we head to mommy and daddy's bed to wake up daddy and get some cuddle time in before he has to go to school. Once cuddles are out, we head out to the living room where MadeLynn gets to play in her swing and Mommy get's her coffee and news time. She then takes one hour to two hour morning nap. To get her to fall asleep, we usually take a walk to kind of relax her and get some fresh air. She loves being in her Moby wrap during that time. After she wakes up, we get dressed and she plays. She is a rolling machine now so she's always on the floor trying new things and exploring her world. After all that playing, she will then take a hour to two hour afternoon. Then Daddy comes home and they have a blast playing! She usually strikes up quite the conversation with Daddy and tells her all about her day. Bath time is between 7pm-8pm and she LOVES the water. Then she get fed and goes to sleep between 8pm-9pm.
Sleeping: She has one 2 hour morning nap and one 2 hour afternoon nap. Some times she breaks those apart and has 4 one hour naps. At night, she has one long stretch of sleep any where between 5-9 hours (I count anything over 6 hours as sleeping through the night) and then she eats and usually goes right back to sleep for an hour to two hours.
Eating/Feeding: Nowadays she eats about every three hours.
Sizes: Size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes. But 6 month clothes fit her the best.
She can carry on babbling conversations. Roll from belly to back and back to belly. She can sit up with help, she can scoot and she is always giggling! She is
always so happy!
I cannot believe all the new things she has learned this month. She is really reaching out and grabbing things. All things end up in her mouth but it is so cool to see her explore.
She's even starting to try to crawl. She'll pull up her knee's like this and then throw herself forward.
So, what about me 4 months postpartum?
I am feeling great! I am finally back down to my pre-pregnancy weight but since I was over weight before I got pregant, I still have a long ways to go before I am where I really want to be.
I am making sure I get out everyday to go on a walk with MadeLynn and I think that helped get the last 10lbs of pregnancy weight off.
In other news, I started my period June 27. I thought it would be months and months before I would see that stupid cycle...but no, I am not like most women, I get to see Aunt Flow hoo.
Motherhood is amazing! I tell MadeLynn everyday that I can't believe I get to keep her forever. She is just such a precious gift to me. I love every day, even the hard ones.
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