(Sorry this is so late)
That's right everyone...MadeLynn Rose is half a year old! Oh goodness...! It has been a very fun and memorable month. I have to say that it is such a joy to watch her grow and at this age, she is really exploring her world. This has been my favorite month so far because so much growing has happened in this month. From teeth to talking and crawling, walking and sitting...so much has happened!We began this month by starting a relaxed fitness plan. I really wanted to make a good effort every single day to get outside and be active. We began walking at least 4 miles a day, twice a week. I tried and tried to get MadeLynn to like riding in a stroller (I tried 3 kinds of strollers!) but she would rather be worn in the Ergo. This month we made the transition from the Moby Wrap to the Ergo which has be so nice. The Ergo is more convenient and easier to get on...but I do miss the snuggliness of the Moby. Perhaps I will get another wrap soon.
Still getting a few snuggles in the Ergo.
MadeLynn got a walker for her 5 month birthday and oh-my she absolutely loves it. At first she enjoy moving in it but as time went on and her legs grew stronger, she began not liking walking in the walker because once she gets going she doesn't like that feeling of moving. Such a silly girl.
She also started like the excersaucer. She finally got long enough to reach the ground and all the toys.
BIG NEWS, BIG NEWS, BIG NEWS...we have a crawler!
MadeLynn began crawling this month! It started off that she would just get up on all fours and sort of throw herself forward. Then it morphed into the Marine crawl and now she does a combo of both as well as the typical crawl. She is fully mobile now. She still does not like to sit, although she's been able to for about two months...she just refuses to do it...too much of the world to see!
At the end of September we had a very special visitor...Nana came!!!
We had all kinds of fun while my mother was here. I was absolutely spoiled. Every morning I was able to sleep in a bit, eat breakfast, shower, put on make-up and fix my hair. I only usually get a couple of those things done in the morning. While Nana was here we went shopping (Do you have enough glasses now Mom? haha) traveled to Kansas City and we also explored a bit of Illinois and went to an Amish town.
While in Kansas City we got to take the most amazing picture...A four generation picture! My grandma, Helen, my mother, Veronica, me and little Miss MadeLynn. It's so amazing that we have four generations still living! MadeLynn enjoyed talking to her Great Grandma and really love listening to her sing...as well as hearing the whole family sing! MadeLynn did so wonderful traveling to Kansas City and playing with all my cousins kids.
This is the same rocking chair my mother sat on for her baby shower for me, the same chair I sat in for my baby shower for MadeLynn and now here I am, holding my little peanut.
We went to Arthur, Illinois to visit an Amish museum with Grandma Goebel, Aunt Steph and Nana. It was so much fun to have both sides of the family together. It's always such a blessing to be able to have both sides do things together.
While Nana was here we also played in the leaves for the first time...she did not like it. It could have been because it was close to nap time...but she was not having it.
*We also got thrush this month which is the the most annoying thing in the world because it was so hard to get rid of and MadeLynn will not let me give her any medicine. Thankfully it seems to be all cleared up now.*
And Nana watched MadeLynn so Jonathan and I could go on our first date together since having MadeLynn! We actually went to dinner twice...so two dates!
MadeLynn also started solids this month. While we have tried many things, green beans still are the top on the favorites list. She isn't a hug fan of baby food but that's ok because food before one is just for fun. We are still 100% breastfeeding...no pacifiers or bottles. We try to add baby food in once a day but usually I can only get a couple of bites in before she starts spitting it out.
MadeLynn can now pull herself to a standing. She is constantly amazing (and scaring us) by what she can do!
At 6.5 month, she had two more teeth pop out! Cannot believe my 6 month old has 4 teeth!
So here it is, the six month stats:
Height/Weight: She is 16 lbs 6 oz and 26.54 in long
(The routine hasn't changed since last month) She wakes up between 5am-7am. I usually feed her and see if she might
go back to sleep. If she's not sleepy, then we go out to the living room to play and crawl around while Mommy gets coffee. At around 10am
she takes one hour to two hour morning nap. Some morning we meet with a new mommy group and go on walks. Most mornings we try to get outside to get some fresh air. After a good morning nap we always try to have a good stretch of play time. After all that playing, she will then take a hour to two hour afternoon.
Then Daddy comes home and they have a blast playing! She usually
strikes up quite the conversation with Daddy and tells her all about her
day. Bath time is between 7pm-8pm and she LOVES the water. She will now take a bath on her belly! She looks so cute playing with her toys in the bath. Then bedtime at 8:30pm
She has
one 2 hour morning nap and one 2 hour afternoon nap. Some times she
breaks those apart and has 4 one hour naps. At night, she has one long
stretch of sleep any where between 5-9 hours (I count anything over 6
hours as sleeping through the night) and then she eats and usually goes
right back to sleep for an hour to two hours. Typically she goes down at
9:00pm and wakes up at 5:00am for the morning and plays for 2 hours and
then goes back down for a morning nap.
Nowadays she eats about every three to four hours and still only eats
from one breast at each feeding. She gets either a fruit or a vegetable (though she prefers vegetable) of baby food once a day. It is usually only a couple bites because she's really not all that interested right now.
Sizes: Size 4 diapers and 9 month clothes.She even wears shoes now!