Monday, July 15, 2013

God is Good...We're Pregnant

When I saw the two lines on the pregnancy test I couldn’t believe my eyes. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year…I have seen so many negative tests that I just couldn’t believe it! After I miscarried last October, I was devastated. The past few months I had been seeing a fertility specialist. I had been diagnosed with unexplained infertility…I just wasn’t ovulating. But now…the prayer that I have been praying for has finally been answered…those two lines on the test confirm it…I’M PREGNANT!
I still can’t really believe it. I just keep asking myself, “Is this real?”
The last time I was pregnant I had no idea that something was wrong. I found out that I was pregnant at 4 weeks just like I have with this one. I was so happy that I was pregnant that I told everyone! Little did I know that just two weeks later I would lose my precious angel. So this time around I feel like I am going to be a nervous wreck for the next 8 weeks. (Until the first trimester is over). I am very much afraid of miscarrying again. It was such a heartbreaking thing to happen and I never want to feel that pain again.
But now I have another chance to be a mom…
I get to be a mom? …Ahhh I get to be a mom!
I have so much planned for my little one…he or she is already loved more than any child on this whole planet! I know that I only just found out that I am pregnant but I am already so connected to this baby. I have been waiting for this little one to come for over a year. I know that pregnancy won’t be all that great at times but I look forward to all of it. I have wanted to be a mom since I was a teenager. I have always loved children…I even became a teacher because of my love for children.
I just cannot wait to have my own! Wow, I am really pregnant…what an amazing blessing!

Belly progression: